Simple Tips on Testing Your Soil

Home soil test kits include tablets and vials to test your soil, as well as a chart to interpret the results. With testing meters, you merely insert the meter probe into the ground and read the results. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for these home-testing solutions.

Arrange a Soil Sample to Send for Analysis

To arrange a soil sample to send for analysis, you’ll need a clean bucket, a garden trowel, and a clean plastic (not metal) container. The steps are simple, but they should be followed carefully to get an accurate reading.

Thoroughly clean the tools you are using to collect the soil sample.
In the planting area, dig five holes 6 to 8 inches deep.
Take a 1/2-inch slice along the side of a hole and place it in the bucket. Repeat this process for all holes.
Collect samples from different areas that will be growing similar plants.
Mix the soil in the bucket. Spread the soil on a paper to dry out. Collect a pint for your sample.